Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Victor Vasarely

Victor Vasarely was born in Pecs, Hungary on April 9th, 1908. He was very successful as a graphic designer, and developed his own form of abstraction. This led to his creations of optical illusions. He designed murals of metal and ceramic mostly for buildings in France. The spiral-shaped logo for the 20th Olympic Games was also designed by him. After his death on  March 15th 1997, his daughter  Michelle continued on his legacy.

Artist Statement

As an artist, I make art because it's a way to escape from the real world. Just like when I occasionally write down stories from time to time, art is a way to express myself and who I truly am.  Art to me is creativity, ideas flowing on the page and some seeming as though they could come to life at any given moment. Art can have a deeper meaning behind a simple picture, or it can represent many different ideas and concepts. Depending on the artist, art is used in  many different ways to express yourself. For  myself, I want to become a better drawer in art. My greatest strengths are color schemes, painting, and sculpting, and my weakness is drawing. I have tremendously improved in my artwork and I hope to continue improvement in the future as well.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

One Point Perspective

This is my One Point Perspective drawing, I  colored the buildings my favorite colors, mostly red and orange. The rainbow building was my favorite to color because rainbow is my favorite color scheme.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Portfolio Back

This is the back of my portfolio. It is a drawing  of two of my favorite things  rolled into one, a horse and rainbows. It's a drawing  of a rainbow horse with a flowing mane and tail. In the corner, I drew a sun with the warm colors red, orange, and yellow.

Portfolio Cover Front

This is the front of my portfolio cover, it is a representation of my name. The C that looks like a mushroom is a representation of my love for the Mario video game series. The A is an apple with a worm that represents my love for fruit, the T represents both a balance scale and the triforce which is a symbol used in the Zelda video game series. The H is a pitchfork going into a bale of hay which is what I use to feed my horses. The E is a snake representing secrets. The R is a candy cane representing my love for Christmas. For the I, I did an eye for the dot on the top.The N is a rainbow which represents my love of color. The E is a dinosaur head representing my  love of history, science, and dinosaurs.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Color Triad

This is the last painting on the list, it's #7. I did a color triad of the three primary colors red, yellow, and blue. In the middle of the painting is my favorite animal, a horse. I did darker shades of red for the horse.


For my complimentary, I did a Christmas tree. I did the complimentary colors of red and green since red is my favorite color and green is my second favorite. #6 on the list.

Split Complimentary

I did a gingerbread man for my split compliment painting. I chose to do the split compliment of green. It's #5 on the list.


#4 on the list was Analogous, and I did an analogous painting with red.


 This was #3 on the list, Monochromatic painting. I did a monochromatic painting  of the color red.

Warm Cool Color Schemes

This was #2 on  the project, warm cool color schemes.

Color Wheel

This is my color wheel project, it's number 1 on the list.

Grid Portrait

This is the portrait I drew of Benedict Cumberbatch.